Real Property Management Now

Going Green: How Energy-Efficient Windows Can Benefit Your Delta Rental Home

Very few things could cause more worry in a Delta rental location than drafty doors and windows. Dated properties are troubled a lot by leaking air and single-pane windows and that appreciably diminish a home’s energy efficiency and makes it troublesome to preserve an enjoyable temperature in the building. And yet, brand new homes can also undergo drafts should the windows and doors be placed or fastened inadequately. A couple of modest changes for the better can go a long way to help lower energy costs and build up tenant happiness.

Building an energy-efficient rental home certainly does not convey a full window and exterior door replacement. As stated by the US Department of Energy (USDE), heat gain and loss because of leaky windows represent up to 30% of residential heating and cooling energy use. On the issue of improving efficiency, a great place to begin is sealing cracks, gaps, and replacing weather-stripping. There would be no need to replace your windows and doors. This method could improve and update the existing ones. Other low-cost ways to improve the energy efficiency of windows– without having to replace them– include placing window treatments or solar film.

If these measures do not improve efficiency or the window itself is old or damaged, the USDE suggests installing storm windows over your current windows as a next-level option. It is true that storm windows are more expensive than simple weather-stripping, but they are surely less than a quarter of the cost of a whole-house replacement. Together with that advantage, the improvement on energy efficiency that storm windows bring is almost as much as brand new windows, lowering utility bills and ensuring long-term comfort for tenants.

There are plenty of shrewd justifications to devote money in a whole-house window replacement plan. Although it is the most costly option, new windows offer the highest return on your investment. The progress made in the technology for energy efficient windows has given more choices for budget-conscious property owners. Today, customized window options exist for cold climates, hot climates, and everything in between. For instance, choosing to install gas-filled windows with Low-E coatings can significantly reduce heat loss in cold weather, while the very same coatings will aid in keeping the heat out in summer. New windows would also outlast storm windows or the other measures we’ve presented here. This means maintenance and repair costs will be kept at a minimum.

With so many options on the table, it’s best to start with a detailed rental property evaluation to assess the condition of windows and doors. This is where Real Property Management Now can come in and aid you. We go through your entire property and get the most effective ways to increase energy efficiency. We then come alongside you and help lower costs while ensuring that your Delta rental home is comfortable, efficient, and will continue to attract tenants. To know more about what we can do for you, please contact us online or give us a ring at 970-314-7123.